Nixtla - StatsForecasting

This Guide assumes basic familiarity with StatsForecast. For a minimal example visit the Quick Start.

Follow this article for a step to step guide on building a production-ready forecasting pipeline for multiple time series.

During this guide you will gain familiary with the core StatsForecastclass and some relevant methods like StatsForecast.plot, StatsForecast.forecast and StatsForecast.cross_validation.

We will use a classical benchmarking dataset from the M4 competition. The dataset includes time series from different domains like finance, economy and sales. In this example, we will use a subset of the Hourly dataset.

We will model each time series individually. Forecasting at this level is also known as local forecasting. Therefore, you will train a series of models for every unique series and then select the best one. StatsForecast focuses on speed, simplicity, and scalability, which makes it ideal for this task.


  1. Install packages.
  2. Read the data.
  3. Explore the data.
  4. Train many models for every unique combination of time series.
  5. Evaluate the model’s performance using cross-validation.
  6. Select the best model for every unique time series.

Install libraries

We assume you have StatsForecast already installed. Check this guide for instructions on how to install StatsForecast.

Read the data

We will use pandas to read the M4 Hourly data set stored in a parquet file for efficiency. You can use ordinary pandas operations to read your data in other formats likes .csv.

The input to StatsForecast is always a data frame in long format with three columns: unique_id, ds and y:

  • The unique_id (string, int or category) represents an identifier for the series.

  • The ds (datestamp or int) column should be either an integer indexing time or a datestampe ideally like YYYY-MM-DD for a date or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS for a timestamp.

  • The y (numeric) represents the measurement we wish to forecast. The target column needs to be renamed to y if it has a different column name.

This data set already satisfies the requirements.

Depending on your internet connection, this step should take around 10 seconds.

import pandas as pd

Y_df = pd.read_parquet('')

unique_id ds y
0 H1 1 605.0
1 H1 2 586.0
2 H1 3 586.0
3 H1 4 559.0
4 H1 5 511.0
... ... ... ...
373367 H99 744 24039.0
373368 H99 745 22946.0
373369 H99 746 22217.0
373370 H99 747 21416.0
373371 H99 748 19531.0

373372 rows × 3 columns

This dataset contains 414 unique series with 900 observations on average. For this example and reproducibility’s sake, we will select only 10 unique IDs and keep only the last week. Depending on your processing infrastructure feel free to select more or less series.


Processing time is dependent on the available computing resources. Running this example with the complete dataset takes around 10 minutes in a c5d.24xlarge (96 cores) instance from AWS.

uids = Y_df['unique_id'].unique()[:10] # Select 10 ids to make the example faster

Y_df = Y_df.query('unique_id in @uids') 

Y_df = Y_df.groupby('unique_id').tail(7 * 24) #Select last 7 days of data to make example faster
unique_id ds y
580 H1 581 587.0
581 H1 582 537.0
582 H1 583 492.0
583 H1 584 464.0
584 H1 585 443.0
... ... ... ...
7475 H107 744 4316.0
7476 H107 745 4159.0
7477 H107 746 4058.0
7478 H107 747 3971.0
7479 H107 748 3770.0

1680 rows × 3 columns

Explore Data with the plot method

Plot some series using the plot method from the StatsForecast class. This method prints 8 random series from the dataset and is useful for basic EDA.


The StatsForecast.plot method uses Plotly as a defaul engine. You can change to MatPlotLib by setting engine="matplotlib".

from statsforecast import StatsForecast

Train multiple models for many series

StatsForecast can train many models on many time series efficiently.

Start by importing and instantiating the desired models. StatsForecast offers a wide variety of models grouped in the following categories:

  • Auto Forecast: Automatic forecasting tools search for the best parameters and select the best possible model for a series of time series. These tools are useful for large collections of univariate time series. Includes automatic versions of: Arima, ETS, Theta, CES.

  • Exponential Smoothing: Uses a weighted average of all past observations where the weights decrease exponentially into the past. Suitable for data with no clear trend or seasonality. Examples: SES, Holt’s Winters, SSO.

  • Benchmark models: classical models for establishing baselines. Examples: Mean, Naive, Random Walk

  • Intermittent or Sparse models: suited for series with very few non-zero observations. Examples: CROSTON, ADIDA, IMAPA

  • Multiple Seasonalities: suited for signals with more than one clear seasonality. Useful for low-frequency data like electricity and logs. Examples: MSTL.

  • Theta Models: fit two theta lines to a deseasonalized time series, using different techniques to obtain and combine the two theta lines to produce the final forecasts. Examples: Theta, DynamicTheta

Here you can check the complete list of models .

For this example we will use:

  • AutoARIMA: Automatically selects the best ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average) model using an information criterion. Ref: AutoARIMA.

  • HoltWinters: triple exponential smoothing, Holt-Winters’ method is an extension of exponential smoothing for series that contain both trend and seasonality. Ref: HoltWinters

  • SeasonalNaive: Memory Efficient Seasonal Naive predictions. Ref: SeasonalNaive

  • HistoricAverage: arthimetic mean. Ref: HistoricAverage.

  • DynamicOptimizedTheta: The theta family of models has been shown to perform well in various datasets such as M3. Models the deseasonalized time series. Ref: DynamicOptimizedTheta.

Import and instantiate the models. Setting the season_length argument is sometimes tricky. This article on Seasonal periods) by the master, Rob Hyndmann, can be useful.

from statsforecast.models import (
    CrostonClassic as Croston, 
    DynamicOptimizedTheta as DOT,
# Create a list of models and instantiation parameters
models = [

We fit the models by instantiating a new StatsForecast object with the following parameters:

  • models: a list of models. Select the models you want from models and import them.

  • freq: a string indicating the frequency of the data. (See pandas available frequencies.)

  • n_jobs: n_jobs: int, number of jobs used in the parallel processing, use -1 for all cores.

  • fallback_model: a model to be used if a model fails.

Any settings are passed into the constructor. Then you call its fit method and pass in the historical data frame.

# Instantiate StatsForecast class as sf
sf = StatsForecast(
    fallback_model = SeasonalNaive(season_length=7)

StatsForecast achieves its blazing speed using JIT compiling through Numba. The first time you call the statsforecast class, the fit method should take around 5 seconds. The second time -once Numba compiled your settings- it should take less than 0.2s.

The forecast method takes two arguments: forecasts next h (horizon) and level.

  • h (int): represents the forecast h steps into the future. In this case, 12 months ahead.

  • level (list of floats): this optional parameter is used for probabilistic forecasting. Set the level (or confidence percentile) of your prediction interval. For example, level=[90] means that the model expects the real value to be inside that interval 90% of the times.

The forecast object here is a new data frame that includes a column with the name of the model and the y hat values, as well as columns for the uncertainty intervals. Depending on your computer, this step should take around 1min. (If you want to speed things up to a couple of seconds, remove the AutoModels like ARIMA and Theta)


The forecast method is compatible with distributed clusters, so it does not store any model parameters. If you want to store parameters for every model you can use the fit and predict methods. However, those methods are not defined for distrubed engines like Spark, Ray or Dask.

forecasts_df = sf.forecast(h=48, level=[90])

ds AutoARIMA AutoARIMA-lo-90 AutoARIMA-hi-90 HoltWinters HoltWinters-lo-90 HoltWinters-hi-90 CrostonClassic CrostonClassic-lo-90 CrostonClassic-hi-90 ... SeasonalNaive-hi-90 HistoricAverage HistoricAverage-lo-90 HistoricAverage-hi-90 DynamicOptimizedTheta DynamicOptimizedTheta-lo-90 DynamicOptimizedTheta-hi-90 <class 'statsforecast.models.MSTL'> <class 'statsforecast.models.MSTL'>-lo-90 <class 'statsforecast.models.MSTL'>-hi-90
H1 749 592.461792 572.325623 612.597961 829.0 -246.367554 1904.367554 829.0 -246.367554 1904.367554 ... 732.528809 660.982117 398.03775 923.926514 592.701843 577.677307 611.652649 829.0 -246.367554 1904.367554
H1 750 527.174316 495.321777 559.026855 807.0 -268.367554 1882.367554 807.0 -268.367554 1882.367554 ... 669.528809 660.982117 398.03775 923.926514 525.589111 505.449738 546.621826 807.0 -268.367554 1882.367554
H1 751 488.418549 445.535583 531.301514 785.0 -290.367554 1860.367554 785.0 -290.367554 1860.367554 ... 629.528809 660.982117 398.03775 923.926514 489.251801 462.072876 512.424133 785.0 -290.367554 1860.367554
H1 752 452.284454 400.677155 503.891785 756.0 -319.367554 1831.367554 756.0 -319.367554 1831.367554 ... 590.528809 660.982117 398.03775 923.926514 456.195038 430.554291 478.260956 756.0 -319.367554 1831.367554
H1 753 433.127563 374.070984 492.184143 719.0 -356.367554 1794.367554 719.0 -356.367554 1794.367554 ... 574.528809 660.982117 398.03775 923.926514 436.290527 411.051239 461.815948 719.0 -356.367554 1794.367554

5 rows × 22 columns

Plot the results of 8 random series using the StatsForecast.plot method.


The StatsForecast.plot allows for further customization. For example, plot the results of the different models and unique ids.

# Plot to unique_ids and some selected models
sf.plot(Y_df, forecasts_df, models=["HoltWinters","DynamicOptimizedTheta"], unique_ids=["H10", "H105"], level=[90])

# Explore other models 
sf.plot(Y_df, forecasts_df, models=["AutoARIMA"], unique_ids=["H10", "H105"], level=[90])

Evaluate the model’s performance

In previous steps, we’ve taken our historical data to predict the future. However, to asses its accuracy we would also like to know how the model would have performed in the past. To assess the accuracy and robustness of your models on your data perform Cross-Validation.

With time series data, Cross Validation is done by defining a sliding window across the historical data and predicting the period following it. This form of cross-validation allows us to arrive at a better estimation of our model’s predictive abilities across a wider range of temporal instances while also keeping the data in the training set contiguous as is required by our models.

The following graph depicts such a Cross Validation Strategy:

Cross-validation of time series models is considered a best practice but most implementations are very slow. The statsforecast library implements cross-validation as a distributed operation, making the process less time-consuming to perform. If you have big datasets you can also perform Cross Validation in a distributed cluster using Ray, Dask or Spark.

In this case, we want to evaluate the performance of each model for the last 2 days (n_windows=2), forecasting every second day (step_size=48). Depending on your computer, this step should take around 1 min.


Setting n_windows=1 mirrors a traditional train-test split with our historical data serving as the training set and the last 48 hours serving as the testing set.

The cross_validation method from the StatsForecast class takes the following arguments.

  • df: training data frame

  • h (int): represents h steps into the future that are being forecasted. In this case, 24 hours ahead.

  • step_size (int): step size between each window. In other words: how often do you want to run the forecasting processes.

  • n_windows(int): number of windows used for cross validation. In other words: what number of forecasting processes in the past do you want to evaluate.

crossvaldation_df = sf.cross_validation(

The crossvaldation_df object is a new data frame that includes the following columns:

  • unique_id index: (If you dont like working with index just run forecasts_cv_df.resetindex())

  • ds: datestamp or temporal index

  • cutoff: the last datestamp or temporal index for the n_windows. If n_windows=1, then one unique cuttoff value, if n_windows=2 then two unique cutoff values.

  • y: true value

  • "model": columns with the model’s name and fitted value.

ds cutoff y AutoARIMA HoltWinters CrostonClassic SeasonalNaive HistoricAverage DynamicOptimizedTheta <class 'statsforecast.models.MSTL'>
H1 701 700 619.0 603.925415 847.0 742.668762 691.0 661.674988 612.767517 847.0
H1 702 700 565.0 507.591736 820.0 742.668762 618.0 661.674988 536.846252 820.0
H1 703 700 532.0 481.281677 790.0 742.668762 563.0 661.674988 497.824280 790.0
H1 704 700 495.0 444.410248 784.0 742.668762 529.0 661.674988 464.723236 784.0
H1 705 700 481.0 421.168762 752.0 742.668762 504.0 661.674988 440.972351 752.0

Next, we will evaluate the performance of every model for every series using common error metrics like Mean Absolute Error (MAE) or Mean Square Error (MSE) Define a utility function to evaluate different error metrics for the cross validation data frame.

First import the desired error metrics from mlforecast.losses. Then define a utility function that takes a cross-validation data frame as a metric and returns an evaluation data frame with the average of the error metric for every unique id and fitted model and all cutoffs.

from utilsforecast.losses import mse
from utilsforecast.evaluation import evaluate
def evaluate_cross_validation(df, metric):
    models = df.drop(columns=['unique_id', 'ds', 'cutoff', 'y']).columns.tolist()
    evals = []
    # Calculate loss for every unique_id and cutoff.    
    for cutoff in df['cutoff'].unique():
        eval_ = evaluate(df[df['cutoff'] == cutoff], metrics=[metric], models=models)
    evals = pd.concat(evals)
    evals = evals.groupby('unique_id').mean(numeric_only=True) # Averages the error metrics for all cutoffs for every combination of model and unique_id
    evals['best_model'] = evals.idxmin(axis=1)
    return evals

You can also use Mean Average Percentage Error (MAPE), however for granular forecasts, MAPE values are extremely hard to judge and not useful to assess forecasting quality.

Create the data frame with the results of the evaluation of your cross-validation data frame using a Mean Squared Error metric.

evaluation_df = evaluate_cross_validation(crossvaldation_df.reset_index(), mse)

AutoARIMA HoltWinters CrostonClassic SeasonalNaive HistoricAverage DynamicOptimizedTheta <class 'statsforecast.models.MSTL'> best_model
H1 1979.302124 44888.019531 28038.736328 1422.666748 20927.664062 1296.333984 44888.019531 DynamicOptimizedTheta
H10 458.892700 2812.916504 1483.484131 96.895828 1980.367432 379.621124 2812.916504 SeasonalNaive
H100 8629.948242 121625.375000 91945.140625 12019.000000 78491.187500 21699.648438 121625.375000 AutoARIMA
H101 6818.348633 28453.394531 16183.634766 10944.458008 18208.404297 63698.082031 28453.394531 AutoARIMA
H102 65489.964844 232924.843750 132655.296875 12699.896484 309110.468750 31393.519531 232924.843750 SeasonalNaive

Create a summary table with a model column and the number of series where that model performs best. In this case, the Arima and Seasonal Naive are the best models for 10 series and the Theta model should be used for two.

summary_df = evaluation_df.groupby('best_model').size().sort_values().to_frame()

summary_df.reset_index().columns = ["Model", "Nr. of unique_ids"]

You can further explore your results by plotting the unique_ids where a specific model wins.

seasonal_ids = evaluation_df.query('best_model == "SeasonalNaive"').index

sf.plot(Y_df,forecasts_df, unique_ids=seasonal_ids, models=["SeasonalNaive","DynamicOptimizedTheta"])

Select the best model for every unique series

Define a utility function that takes your forecast’s data frame with the predictions and the evaluation data frame and returns a data frame with the best possible forecast for every unique_id.

def get_best_model_forecast(forecasts_df, evaluation_df):
    df = forecasts_df.set_index('ds', append=True).stack().to_frame().reset_index(level=2) # Wide to long 
    df.columns = ['model', 'best_model_forecast'] 
    df = df.join(evaluation_df[['best_model']])
    df = df.query('model.str.replace("-lo-90|-hi-90", "", regex=True) == best_model').copy()
    df.loc[:, 'model'] = [model.replace(bm, 'best_model') for model, bm in zip(df['model'], df['best_model'])]
    df = df.drop(columns='best_model').set_index('model', append=True).unstack()
    df.columns = df.columns.droplevel()
    df = df.reset_index(level=1)
    return df

Create your production-ready data frame with the best forecast for every unique_id.

prod_forecasts_df = get_best_model_forecast(forecasts_df, evaluation_df)

model ds best_model best_model-hi-90 best_model-lo-90
H1 749 592.701843 611.652649 577.677307
H1 750 525.589111 546.621826 505.449738
H1 751 489.251801 512.424133 462.072876
H1 752 456.195038 478.260956 430.554291
H1 753 436.290527 461.815948 411.051239

Plot the results.

sf.plot(Y_df, prod_forecasts_df, level=[90])

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