Docker Overview

Fast AI in Docker Container

Benedict Thekkel


  • Dockerfile: Blueprint for building a docker image

  • compose.yml: Builds and runs multiple docker images

  • requirements.txt: pip install libraries list

  • Image: Template for running a docker containers

  • Container: Running process

Docker File

FILE _image_ - base image ex. ubuntu, node:12

WORKDIR _filename_- like when you cd into a directory

every step from now is considered layes

COPY _filename_ _location_- ex. COPY package*.json ./

RUN _npm install_ - exec commands - shell form

COPY . . - copy all the file in directory into the container

ENV _PORT=8080_ -

EXPOSE _port_ - exposed port ex. 8080

CMD ["npm" "start"] - only one of these in the file. exec form

Example: pytorch image

# Base image with PyTorch and GPU support
FROM pytorch/pytorch:latest

# Install additional packages
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y sudo software-properties-common

RUN add-apt-repository -y ppa:bashtop-monitor/bashtop && \
    add-apt-repository -y ppa:flexiondotorg/nvtop && \
    apt-get update

RUN apt-get install -y bashtop nvtop python3-pip \
    vim poppler-utils git openssh-client && \
    apt-get clean

# Add user 'ben'
RUN useradd -m -s /bin/bash ben && \
    echo "ben ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

# Set working directory
WORKDIR /home/ben

# Switch to user ben
USER ben

# Add /home/ben/.local/bin to the PATH
ENV PATH="/home/ben/.local/bin:${PATH}"

# Copy requirements file
COPY requirements.txt .

# Install required Python packages
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

RUN git config --global <email> \
    && git config --global "main_docker"

# COPY /home/ben/'.jupyter' '.jupyter'
ADD /apputils-extension /home/ben/.jupyter/lab/user-settings/@jupyterlab/apputils-extension

# Expose Jupyter notebook port

# Command to start JupyterLab with dark theme
CMD ["jupyter", "lab", "--ip=", "--port=8888", "--no-browser", "--NotebookApp.theme='JupyterLab Dark'", "--NotebookApp.token='test'"]


just like a git ignore file

Building Docker image

docker build -t _name_ _path_


docker build -t test:taggedv0.1

-t : tag

View Docker Images

docker images

Delete Image

docker rmi _Image_

Running Docker image as Container

docke run -p 5000:8080 _name_
docker run -p 8888:8888 -td --gpus=all --name testcontainer test

View Dockers Containers Running

docker ps -a

Deleting Docker Containers

docker rmi _image_

Stop Docker Running

docker stop $(docker ps -aq)


Folder which multiple containers can access

docker volume create _name_

Using volumes in container

docker run --mount source=_volumename_, target = _location_

Docker Debugging

  • Inspect logs in docker desktop

  • docker exec


  • each docker should only do one task

  • Done through docker-compose.yml



this GPU

nvidia Docs

    container_name: main_docker
      context: .

      - /home/ben/BENEDICT_Only:/home/ben/BENEDICT_Only
      - "8888:8888"
            - driver: nvidia
              count: 1
              capabilities: [gpu]
version: '3'
        build: .
            - "8080:8080"
        image: "mysql"
            MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password
            - db-data:/foo

Running Docker Compose

docker-compose up

Stopping Docker Compose

docker-compose down




Docker Network Types

Docker containers can use several types of networks to communicate with each other, the host, or external networks. Here’s a summary of the main Docker network types:

1. Bridge Network (Default)

  • Description: This is the default network type for Docker containers. When you run a container without specifying a network, it is attached to the bridge network.
  • Use Case: Ideal for communication between multiple containers on the same Docker host but isolated from the host’s network.
  • Example: bash docker network create my_bridge_network docker run --network=my_bridge_network my_container

2. Host Network

  • Description: The container shares the host’s network stack, meaning it has direct access to the host’s network interfaces (no isolation).
  • Use Case: Useful when you want to avoid the network isolation provided by Docker, such as when running services that need high network performance or direct access to host network services.
  • Example: bash docker run --network=host my_container
  • Note: Not available on Windows containers.

3. None Network

  • Description: The container has no network interfaces, except for the loopback interface (localhost).
  • Use Case: Useful for standalone containers that don’t need network connectivity.
  • Example: bash docker run --network=none my_container

4. Overlay Network

  • Description: This network allows containers running on different Docker hosts to communicate with each other. It is commonly used with Docker Swarm or Kubernetes.
  • Use Case: Useful for deploying a multi-host Docker network (e.g., in a swarm or Kubernetes cluster).
  • Example: bash docker network create --driver overlay my_overlay_network docker service create --network=my_overlay_network my_service

5. Macvlan Network

  • Description: This network type allows you to assign a MAC address to a container, making it appear as a physical device on your network. The container gets a unique IP address on the local network.

  • Use Case: Useful for running containers that need to appear directly on the physical network and communicate with other physical devices (e.g., running legacy applications).

  • Example:

    docker network create -d macvlan \
      --subnet= \
      --gateway= \
      -o parent=eth0 my_macvlan_network
    docker run --network=my_macvlan_network my_container

6. Custom User-Defined Bridge Network

  • Description: Similar to the default bridge network but user-defined networks allow for better control and communication between containers. Containers on the same custom bridge network can communicate by name, and it isolates containers from others outside the network.
  • Use Case: Recommended for multi-container applications where containers need to communicate with each other (e.g., a web service with a separate database).
  • Example: bash docker network create my_bridge_network docker run --network=my_bridge_network my_container

7. IPvlan Network

  • Description: Similar to macvlan, but more lightweight and allows you to manage how your containers connect to the underlying network by operating at the network layer (Layer 3).

  • Use Case: Useful for containers that need to communicate directly with external networks.

  • Example:

    docker network create -d ipvlan \
      --subnet= \
      --gateway= \
      -o parent=eth0 my_ipvlan_network
    docker run --network=my_ipvlan_network my_container

8. Ingress Network (Swarm Only)

  • Description: The default network for services in Docker Swarm mode. It is used for load balancing services across the swarm.
  • Use Case: Automatically created and used when you initialize Docker Swarm. It’s useful for scaling services and distributing them across multiple hosts.
  • Example: bash docker service create --name my_service --network ingress my_image

Summary of Network Types:

Network Type Isolation Multi-host Use Case
Bridge (Default) Yes No Communication between containers on the same host
Host No No High performance, direct access to host network
None N/A N/A Containers that don’t need network connectivity
Overlay Yes Yes Multi-host communication (e.g., Docker Swarm, Kubernetes)
Macvlan No Yes Containers appear as devices on the physical network
IPvlan No Yes Lightweight alternative to macvlan for Layer 3 connectivity
Custom Bridge Yes No Enhanced control over container networking
Ingress (Swarm) Yes Yes Swarm load balancing

Let me know if you need further details on any of these!

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