

Benedict Thekkel

Install Conda

mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget -O ~/miniconda3/
bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
rm ~/miniconda3/

Initialize Conda

~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash

Creating and Managing Environments

conda create --name myenv


conda create --name myenv python=3.8 numpy pandas

Activating an Environment

conda activate myenv

Deactivating an Environment

conda deactivate

Listing Environments

conda env list

Installing and Managing Packages

conda install scipy

Updating Packages

conda update numpy

Removing Packages

conda remove scipy

Removing an Environment

conda env remove --name myenv

Searching for Packages

conda search beautifulsoup4

Using Channels

Conda channels are locations where packages are stored. By default, Conda uses the defaults channel, but you can add others like conda-forge.

Adding a Channel

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Installing from a Specific Channel

conda install -c conda-forge opencv

Listing Conda Channels

conda config --show channels
!conda config --show channels
  - defaults
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