Back ups

Below is a comprehensive guide to django-dbbackup, a popular Django application that helps automate database and media backups. This covers installation, configuration, usage, storage options (local and cloud), and best practices.

Benedict Thekkel

1. What is django-dbbackup?

django-dbbackup is a Django application designed to: 1. Back up your database (and optionally media files). 2. Restore your database from these backups. 3. Store backups locally or remotely (e.g., Amazon S3, Dropbox, etc.).

It integrates with Django’s settings and management commands, making it straightforward to schedule or invoke backups from the command line or cron jobs.

2. Installation

  1. Install via pip:

    pip install django-dbbackup
  2. Add to Installed Apps:

        'dbbackup',  # django-dbbackup
  3. Migrate (if any model changes):

    python migrate

3. Basic Configuration in

A minimal setup might look like this:


# Add dbbackup to installed apps (already done above)

# DBBACKUP configuration
# Where to store backup files.
# "filesystem": store in local file system
# "s3": store on Amazon S3
    'location': '/path/to/backups/',  # e.g. "/var/backups/myproject"

# (Optional) Compress backups

# (Optional) Encrypt backups using GPG

3.1 Key Settings

  1. DBBACKUP_STORAGE: Defines the storage class used to store backup files.

    • Common values:
      • for local backups.
      • storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage for S3 backups (requires django-storages).
  2. DBBACKUP_STORAGE_OPTIONS: A dictionary of options passed to your storage class.

    • For local file system: {'location': '/path/to/backups/'}.
    • For S3: {'access_key': '...', 'secret_key': '...', 'bucket_name': 'my-backups'}.
  3. DBBACKUP_FILENAME_TEMPLATE (Optional): Custom filename format for backups, e.g., "{datetime}-{databasename}.{extension}".

  4. DBBACKUP_CLEANUP_KEEP and DBBACKUP_CLEANUP_KEEP_MEDIA (Optional): Number of backups to keep if you use the cleanup command.

  5. DBBACKUP_COMPRESS (Boolean): If True, compresses backup files (default is False).

  6. Encryption: If you want GPG encryption, set DBBACKUP_GPG_RECIPIENT = 'my-gpg-id'.

4. Usage and Commands

4.1 Create a Database Backup

python dbbackup
  • This command creates a backup of your default database and saves it to the configured storage.
  • By default, it also backs up all configured databases in settings.DATABASES unless you specify --database.

Key Options: - --database <alias>: Backup a specific DB alias. - --compress: Override the default compress setting. - --encrypt: Override the default GPG encrypt setting. - --output or -o: Writes the backup to a local file (e.g., dbbackup -o /tmp/mydbbackup).


python dbbackup --database default --compress --encrypt

4.2 Restore a Database Backup

python dbrestore

By default, this looks for the latest backup file in the configured storage and restores it.

Key Options: - --database <alias>: Restore a specific DB. - --input <filename> or -i: Restore from a specific backup file. - --noinput: Skip “Are you sure?” prompts. - --decrypt: Decrypt if needed.


python dbrestore --database default -i /path/to/backups/2023-01-20-default.gz --noinput

4.3 Backing Up Media Files

django-dbbackup can back up your MEDIA_ROOT with:

python mediabackup

And restore media:

python mediarestore

Ensure you have the relevant storage configured if you want media backups stored similarly (same or different location).

4.4 Cleanup Old Backups

To automatically remove older backups (beyond a certain number): 1. Set DBBACKUP_CLEANUP_KEEP = <int> in settings. 2. Run: bash python dbbackup_cleanup or bash python mediabackup_cleanup

5. Common Storage Options

5.1 Local Filesystem


    'location': '/path/to/backups/',

Make sure /path/to/backups/ is writable by Django.

5.2 Amazon S3

You can use django-storages: 1. Install: bash pip install django-storages boto3 2. Configure S3 in python DBBACKUP_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage' DBBACKUP_STORAGE_OPTIONS = { 'access_key': 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY', 'secret_key': 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY', 'bucket_name': 'my-backups-bucket', } 3. Alternatively, if you already have a custom storage class for S3, point DBBACKUP_STORAGE to that class.

5.3 Other Storage

  • Dropbox: There are examples of custom Dropbox storages or django-storages integration.
  • FTP / SFTP: Use a custom storage or library that integrates with ftp/sftp.

6. Scheduling Backups

Typically, you schedule backups with cron or a job scheduler like celery beat or systemd timers. For example, a cron job to back up the DB daily at midnight:

0 0 * * * /path/to/venv/bin/python /path/to/project/ dbbackup --compress --encrypt

You can similarly schedule media backups or calls to dbbackup_cleanup.

7. Security Considerations

  1. Encryption (GPG):
    • If you store backups in a remote location or want extra security, set DBBACKUP_GPG_RECIPIENT so that backups are encrypted at rest.
    • You’ll need GPG installed and a matching key.
  2. Permissions:
    • Ensure backup directories and keys are protected so only authorized users can read them.
  3. Handling Secrets:
    • Do not commit your DB or storage credentials in version control. Use environment variables or a secrets manager.

8. Debugging & Common Issues

  1. File Permissions:
    • Make sure Django can write to DBBACKUP_STORAGE_OPTIONS['location'] if using local storage.
  2. Missing or Wrong Database Dumps:
    • Check that your DATABASES config has the correct engine. For example, if using Postgres, ensure the pg_dump utility is installed and in PATH.
  3. S3 Access Denied:
    • Double-check your AWS credentials and bucket permissions.

9. Additional Features & Tips

  1. Partial Database Backup: Not supported out of the box, dbbackup typically dumps the entire DB.
  2. Multiple DBs:
    • If you have more than one database in settings.DATABASES, dbbackup will back them all up by default, naming them accordingly. Use --database to target one.
  3. Versioning: If storing backups on S3, you can enable versioning on the bucket for extra safety (though this is outside django-dbbackup’s scope).
  4. Notifications: You might integrate Slack or email notifications to confirm successful backups or handle errors.

10. Example End-to-End Setup


DBBACKUP_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage'
    'access_key': os.getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
    'secret_key': os.getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
    'bucket_name': 'myproject-dbbackups',
DBBACKUP_GPG_RECIPIENT = ''  # If you want encryption

Crontab entry (runs daily at 2am):

0 2 * * * /path/to/venv/bin/python /path/to/project/ dbbackup_cleanup && \
 /path/to/venv/bin/python /path/to/project/ dbbackup --clean --compress --encrypt
  • --clean triggers cleanup after backup, but you can also run dbbackup_cleanup separately.

Command line usage to restore the latest backup:

python dbrestore --noinput --decrypt


  1. Install django-dbbackup, configure it in
  2. Choose storage (local or remote).
  3. Run commands (dbbackup, dbrestore, mediabackup, etc.) from the CLI or a scheduler.
  4. Optional enhancements: GPG encryption, compression, and cleanup for old backups.
  5. Test your backup and restore procedure regularly to ensure your data can be recovered when needed.

With these steps, you’ll have a robust backup and restore process in place for your Django project using django-dbbackup.

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