Import Export

The Django Import-Export library is a powerful tool for handling importing and exporting data in Django models using a variety of file formats such as CSV, Excel, JSON, and others. It integrates seamlessly into Django Admin and provides a clean API for programmatic imports and exports.

Benedict Thekkel

Key Features

  1. Supports Multiple Formats:
    • File formats: CSV, Excel (XLSX), JSON, YAML, etc.
    • Custom formats can also be implemented.
  2. Seamless Integration with Django Admin:
    • Import and export directly from the Django admin interface.
    • Buttons are added to the change list page for importing and exporting data.
  3. Customizable Import/Export Logic:
    • Allows you to customize how data is imported/exported by overriding specific methods.
    • Supports pre-processing and post-processing of data.
  4. Error Handling:
    • Detailed error reports are provided for failed imports, allowing you to identify problematic rows.
  5. Queryset Exports:
    • Export only specific rows or data subsets using querysets.


  1. Install the package:

    pip install django-import-export
  2. Add it to your INSTALLED_APPS in

  3. Add the ImportExportModelAdmin to your admin classes.

Basic Usage

1. Add to Django Admin

Import ImportExportModelAdmin and apply it to your model admin:

from import_export.admin import ImportExportModelAdmin
from django.contrib import admin
from .models import MyModel

class MyModelAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin):

This will automatically add Import and Export buttons in the Django admin.

2. Use Resources for Custom Import/Export Behavior

A Resource class lets you define the fields and logic for import/export. For example:

Create a file:

from import_export import resources
from .models import MyModel

class MyModelResource(resources.ModelResource):
    class Meta:
        model = MyModel
        fields = ('id', 'name', 'email')  # Specify fields to include
        export_order = ('id', 'name', 'email')  # Order of fields

Attach the Resource to the Admin:

from import_export.admin import ImportExportModelAdmin
from .models import MyModel
from .resources import MyModelResource

class MyModelAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin):
    resource_class = MyModelResource

3. Import and Export in Django Admin

  • Import: Upload a file (CSV, XLSX, etc.) to create or update records.
  • Export: Download the data from the database in the selected format.

File Format Support

By default, Django Import-Export supports: - CSV - JSON - Excel (XLSX) (requires openpyxl or xlwt) - YAML - Others (depending on installed libraries).

Install additional libraries for specific formats:

  • Excel Support: bash pip install openpyxl

Customizing Import/Export

Customizing Fields

Exclude or include specific fields using the fields or exclude options in the Resource class:

class MyModelResource(resources.ModelResource):
    class Meta:
        model = MyModel
        exclude = ('password', 'last_login')  # Exclude sensitive fields

Custom Import Logic

You can override the before_import, after_import, or import_row methods for custom behavior.

Example: Validate Data Before Import

class MyModelResource(resources.ModelResource):
    def before_import_row(self, row, **kwargs):
        if not row['email']:
            raise ValueError("Email is required.")

Custom Export Logic

You can override the export_queryset method to export specific subsets of data.

Example: Export Only Active Users

class MyModelResource(resources.ModelResource):
    def export_queryset(self, queryset, *args, **kwargs):
        return queryset.filter(is_active=True)

Advanced Features

1. Import/Export Specific Columns

Customize the order of fields or include derived fields:

class MyModelResource(resources.ModelResource):
    full_name = fields.Field()

    def dehydrate_full_name(self, obj):
        return f"{obj.first_name} {obj.last_name}"

    class Meta:
        model = MyModel
        fields = ('id', 'email', 'full_name')  # Include custom fields

2. Skip Rows with Errors

Handle errors gracefully without stopping the import:

class MyModelResource(resources.ModelResource):
    def import_row(self, row, instance_loader, **kwargs):
            return super().import_row(row, instance_loader, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error importing row {row}: {e}")
            return None

3. Handling Relationships

Import/export related fields (e.g., ForeignKey, ManyToMany) by using custom logic.

Example: Import Foreign Keys

class MyModelResource(resources.ModelResource):
    related_field = fields.Field(attribute='related_field', column_name='Related Field')

    def before_import_row(self, row, **kwargs):
        # Ensure the related object exists
        row['related_field'] = RelatedModel.objects.get_or_create(name=row['related_field'])[0].id

    class Meta:
        model = MyModel

4. Export Querysets in Views

Use Django Import-Export to export querysets in views programmatically:

from django.http import HttpResponse
from .resources import MyModelResource

def export_data(request):
    resource = MyModelResource()
    dataset = resource.export()
    response = HttpResponse(dataset.csv, content_type="text/csv")
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="export.csv"'
    return response

Error Reporting

Common Errors

  1. Field Does Not Exist: Ensure the fields listed in fields or export_order match the model fields.

  2. Invalid File Format: Make sure the file format matches the library used for import/export.

  3. Foreign Key Issues: Ensure related objects exist before importing data.

Best Practices

  1. Validate Data Before Import: Use the before_import_row or clean method in the model to ensure valid data.

  2. Restrict Admin Access: Only allow staff or superusers to use the import/export functionality.

  3. Back Up Data: Always back up the database before performing bulk imports or updates.

  4. Test in Development: Test your import/export process on a development environment before applying to production.

Use Cases

  1. Importing large datasets (e.g., user data, product catalogs).
  2. Exporting data for analysis or backup.
  3. Programmatically updating related models.
  4. Migrating data between environments or projects.

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