Flutter Setup
Install flutter in WSL
sudo snap install flutter --classic
flutter sdk-path
Check FLutter install status
flutter doctor
Install Android Studio in WSL
Install android studio linux tar gz file
Install using snap
install java if needed
sudo apt install openjdk-18-jdk
sudo snap install android-studio --classic
check android studio status
snap list android-studio
add andriod sdk path to flutter
flutter config --android-sdk ~/Android/Sdk/
Manually download and install
go into usr/local and unzip the tar gz file
cd /usr/local/
tar xf ~/Downloads/android-studio-version-number-linux.tar.gz
Restart the computer
Restart the computer
wsl --update
wsl --shutdown
Running Android Studio
cd /usr/local/
Open Android Studio -> More Actions -> SDK manager -> SDK Tools -> Android SDK Command line
Configure Android
Start Android Studio.
The Welcome to Android Studio dialog displays.
Follow the Android Studio Setup Wizard.
Install the following components:
Android SDK Platform, API 33.0.0
Android SDK Command-line Tools
Android SDK Build-Tools
Android SDK Platform-Tools
Android Emulator
To fix android licencing
flutter doctor --android-licenses
Install Xming
Needed to render graphic applications
sudo apt update
sudo apt install x11-apps -y
Install Chrome
sudo apt install -y chromium-browser
Connect Phone
Enable Developer options
Settings -> About phone -> Software Information -> Build Number
USB debugging
Settings -> Developer Options -> USB debugging && Wireless debugging
Connect Phone to Flutter in WSL
Install adb in windows
add path to windows environment path variable
Check for device connected
adb devices
Try restarting adb if device doesn’t show up
adb kill-server
adb start-server
Once your device is connected via USB, run the following command to map the desired port to adb.
adb tcpip 5555
Go to wsl and run
adb connnect <ip>:<port>
adb connect