
pip install python-fasthtml
from fasthtml.common import *
# Assuming the file Front_end/ exists and contains some content
file_path = 'Front_end/'

# Reading and displaying the content of the file
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
    file_content =
from fasthtml.common import *

app,rt = fast_app()

def NumList(i):
    return Ul(*[Li(o) for o in range(i)])

def get(): 
    nums = NumList(5)
    return Titled('Greeting',
                  Div(nums, id='stuff', hx_get="/change"),

def get(): 
    return Div(P('Change is good!'),
               P(A('Home', href="/"))

    db: Optional[str] = None,
    render: Optional[<built-in function callable>] = None,
    hdrs: Optional[tuple] = None,
    ftrs: Optional[tuple] = None,
    tbls: Optional[dict] = None,
    before: Optional[tuple] = None,
    middleware: Optional[tuple] = None,
    live: bool = False,
    debug: bool = False,
    routes: Optional[tuple] = None,
    exception_handlers: Optional[dict] = None,
    on_startup: Optional[<built-in function callable>] = None,
    on_shutdown: Optional[<built-in function callable>] = None,
    lifespan: Optional[<built-in function callable>] = None,
    pico: Optional[bool] = None,
    ws_hdr: bool = False,
    secret_key: Optional[str] = None,
    key_fname: str = '.sesskey',
    session_cookie: str = 'session_',
    max_age: int = 31536000,
    sess_path: str = '/',
    same_site: str = 'lax',
    sess_https_only: bool = False,
    sess_domain: Optional[str] = None,
    bodykw: Optional[dict] = None,
Docstring: <no docstring>
def fast_app(
        db:Optional[str]=None, # Database file name, if needed
        render:Optional[callable]=None, # Function used to render default database class
        hdrs:Optional[tuple]=None, # Additional FT elements to add to <HEAD>
        ftrs:Optional[tuple]=None, # Additional FT elements to add to end of <BODY>
        tbls:Optional[dict]=None, # Mapping from DB table names to dict table definitions
        before:Optional[tuple]=None, # Functions to call prior to calling handler
        middleware:Optional[tuple]=None, # Standard Starlette middleware
        live:bool=False, # Enable live reloading
        debug:bool=False, # Passed to Starlette, indicating if debug tracebacks should be returned on errors
        routes:Optional[tuple]=None, # Passed to Starlette
        exception_handlers:Optional[dict]=None, # Passed to Starlette
        on_startup:Optional[callable]=None, # Passed to Starlette
        on_shutdown:Optional[callable]=None, # Passed to Starlette
        lifespan:Optional[callable]=None, # Passed to Starlette
        default_hdrs=True, # Include default FastHTML headers such as HTMX script?
        pico:Optional[bool]=None, # Include PicoCSS header?
        ws_hdr:bool=False, # Include HTMX websocket extension header?
        secret_key:Optional[str]=None, # Signing key for sessions
        key_fname:str='.sesskey', # Session cookie signing key file name
        session_cookie:str='session_', # Session cookie name
        max_age:int=365*24*3600, # Session cookie expiry time
        sess_path:str='/', # Session cookie path
        same_site:str='lax', # Session cookie same site policy
        sess_https_only:bool=False, # Session cookie HTTPS only?
        sess_domain:Optional[str]=None, # Session cookie domain
    h = (picolink,) if pico or (pico is None and default_hdrs) else ()
    if hdrs: h += tuple(hdrs)
    app_cls = FastHTMLWithLiveReload if live else FastHTML
    app = app_cls(hdrs=h, ftrs=ftrs, before=before, middleware=middleware, debug=debug, routes=routes, exception_handlers=exception_handlers,
                  on_startup=on_startup, on_shutdown=on_shutdown, lifespan=lifespan, default_hdrs=default_hdrs, secret_key=secret_key,
                  session_cookie=session_cookie, max_age=max_age, sess_path=sess_path, same_site=same_site, sess_https_only=sess_https_only,
                  sess_domain=sess_domain, key_fname=key_fname, ws_hdr=ws_hdr, **(bodykw or {}))
    async def get(fname:str, ext:str): return FileResponse(f'{fname}.{ext}')
    if not db: return app,app.route
    db = database(db)
    if not tbls: tbls={}
    if kwargs:
        if isinstance(first(kwargs.values()), dict): tbls = kwargs
            kwargs['render'] = render
            tbls['items'] = kwargs
    dbtbls = [get_tbl(db.t, k, v) for k,v in tbls.items()]
    if len(dbtbls)==1: dbtbls=dbtbls[0]
    return app,app.route,*dbtbls
File:      ~/miniconda3/envs/pfast/lib/python3.12/site-packages/fasthtml/
Type:      function
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