def say_hello(to):
"Say hello to somebody"
return f'Hello {to}!'
- Python
- A Python package manager: we recommend conda or pip - download anaconda
- Jupyter Notebook - see below
- nbdev - see below
- Quarto - see quarto setup
To get Jupyter labs
pip install jupyterlab
mamba install -c conda-forge jupyterlab
To launch jupyter labs
jupyter lab
To install nbdev
pip install nbdev
mamba install -c fastai nbdev
get instructin for quarto with
Install the extension by entering:
pip install jupyterlab-quarto
Create an empty GitHub repo
make it public
add a gitignore file
clone it into project location
git clone
RUN Nbdev
Initialise your nbdev repo by entering:
It may ask you to enter information that it couldn’t infer from git or GitHub.
- Do a git push to make sure everything is working
git add .
git commit -m'Initial commit'
git push
Go to settings on Github, go to pages, Change Branch to gh-pages
- Then check on Actions
Useful commands
The next step is to install your package by entering this into your terminal:
pip install -e '.[dev]'
This is the recommended way to make a Python package importable from anywhere in your current environment:
- -e – short for “editable”, lets you immediately use changes made to your package without having to reinstall, which is convenient for development.
- . – refers to the current directory.
- [dev] – includes “development” requirements: other packages that your notebooks use solely for documentation or testing.
Start the preview by entering this into your terminal:
Before every git push, run :
Which is the combination of:
Builds the .py modules from Jupyter notebooks
Tests your notebooks
Cleans your notebooks to get rid of extreanous output for git
Updates your repo’s file from your index notebook.
Directives for documentation:
Hide cell input and output.
#|echo: <true|false>
Toggle the visibility of code-cell inputs.
#|output: <true|false|asis>
Setting this to false hides the output of a cell. Setting this to asis renders the output as raw markdown.
Hide a specific line of code in an input cell.
#|code-fold: <show|true>
The #|code-fold directive allows you to collapse code cells. When set to true, the element is collapsed by default, when set to show show the element is shown by default.
#|default_exp <name>
Names the module where cells with the #|export directive will be exported to by default.
Exports the items in the cell into the generated module and documentation.
A source export. Like #|export but in addition to showing docs via showdoc.show_doc, it also shows the source code.
Ensures that a cell is executed each time before generating docs. When a cell does not have this annotation, it is run according to the default rules described here.
#|eval: <true|false>
When set to false, the cell is ignored during testing.
"Isaac") say_hello(
'Hello Isaac!'
This is a test too! When you run nbdev_test it will execute this cell (and all other test cells) and fail if they raise any exceptions.
For tests, it’s preferred to use more explicit asserts:
assert say_hello("Hamel") == "Hello Hamel!"
from fastcore.test import *
"Hamel"), "Hello Hamel!") test_eq(say_hello(
Which is rendered as: \[\sum_{i=1}^{k+1}i\]
This version is displayed inline: $\sum_{i=1}^{k+1}i$ . You can include text before and after.
Becomes: This version is displayed inline: \(\sum_{i=1}^{k+1}i\) . You can include text before and after.