import torch
Matrix and tensor
Matrix and tensor
Initial Checks
Matrix multiplication from foundations
from pathlib import Path
import pickle, gzip, math, os, time, shutil, matplotlib as mpl, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Get data
= ''
MNIST_URL = Path('Data')
path_data = True)
path_data.mkdir(exist_ok = path_data/'mnist.pkl.gz' path_gz
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
if not path_gz.exists(): urlretrieve(MNIST_URL, path_gz)
with, 'rb') as f: ((x_train, y_train), (x_valid, y_valid), _) = pickle.load(f, encoding = 'latin-1')
= list(x_train[0])
lst1 = lst1[200:210]
vals vals
def chunks(x, sz):
for i in range(0, len(x), sz):
yield x[i:i+sz]
list(chunks(vals, 5))
[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.19140625, 0.9296875],
[0.98828125, 0.98828125, 0.98828125, 0.98828125, 0.98828125]]
'image.cmap'] = 'gray'
mpl.rcParams[list(chunks(lst1, 28))); plt.imshow(
from itertools import islice
= iter(vals)
it 5) islice(it,
= islice(it,5) isit
list(islice(it, 5))
[0.0, 0.19140625, 0.9296875, 0.98828125, 0.98828125]
= iter(lst1)
it= list(iter(lambda: list(islice(it,28)), [])) img
; plt.imshow(img)
Matrix and tensor
20][15] img[
class Matrix:
def __init__(self, xs):
self.xs = xs
def __getitem__(self, idxs):
return self.xs[idxs[0]][idxs[1]]
= Matrix(img)
m 20, 15] m[
import torch
from torch import tensor
1,2,3]) tensor([
tensor([1, 2, 3])
= tensor(img)
tens 20,15] tens[
= map(tensor, (x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid))
x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid x_train.shape
torch.Size([50000, 784])
torch.Size([10000, 784])
type() x_train.
= x_train.reshape((-1, 28, 28))
imgs imgs.shape
torch.Size([50000, 28, 28])
0]) plt.imshow(imgs[
0, 20, 15] imgs[
torch.Size([50000, 784])
= x_train.shape
n,c y_train, y_train.shape
(tensor([5, 0, 4, ..., 8, 4, 8]), torch.Size([50000]))
min(y_train), max(y_train)
(tensor(0), tensor(9))
min(), y_train.max() y_train.
(tensor(0), tensor(9))
Random Numbers
Based on the Wichmann Hill Algorithm used before Python 2.3
= None
rnd_state def seed(a):
global rnd_state
= divmod(a, 30268)
a, x = divmod(a, 30306)
a, y = divmod(a, 30322)
a, z = int(x)+1, int(y)+1, int(z)+1 rnd_state
seed( rnd_state
(4976, 20238, 499)
def rand():
global rnd_state
= rnd_state
x, y, z = (171 * x) % 30269
x = (172 * y) % 30307
y = (170 * z) % 30323
z = x,y,z
rnd_state return (x/30269 + y/30307 + z/30323) % 1.0
(0.7645251082582081, 0.7920889799553945, 0.06912886811267205)
if os.fork(): print(f'In parent: {rand()}')
print(f'In child: {rand()}')
In parent: 0.9559050644103264
In child: 0.9559050644103264
if os.fork(): print(f'In parent: {torch.rand(1)}')
print(f'In child: {torch.rand(1)}')
In parent: tensor([0.0657])
In child: tensor([0.0657])
for _ in range(50)]); plt.plot([rand()
for _ in range(10000)]); plt.hist([rand()
2.54 ms ± 20.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
39.9 µs ± 4.94 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
Matrix Multiplication
torch.manual_seed(= torch.randn(784,10)
weights = torch.zeros(10) bias
= x_valid[:5]
m1 = weights m2
m1.shape, m2.shape
(torch.Size([5, 784]), torch.Size([784, 10]))
= m1.shape
ar, ac = m2.shape
br, bc (ar,ac),(br,bc)
((5, 784), (784, 10))
= torch.zeros(ar, bc)
t1 t1.shape
torch.Size([5, 10])
for i in range(ar):
for j in range(bc):
for k in range(ac):
+= m1[i,k] * m2 [k, j] t1[i,j]
tensor([[-10.9417, -0.6844, -7.0038, -4.0066, -2.0857, -3.3588, 3.9127,
-3.4375, -11.4696, -2.1153],
[ 14.5430, 5.9977, 2.8914, -4.0777, 6.5914, -14.7383, -9.2787,
2.1577, -15.2772, -2.6758],
[ 2.2204, -3.2171, -4.7988, -6.0453, 14.1661, -8.9824, -4.7922,
-5.4446, -20.6758, 13.5657],
[ -6.7097, 8.8998, -7.4611, -7.8966, 2.6994, -4.7260, -11.0278,
-12.9776, -6.4443, 3.6376],
[ -2.4444, -6.4034, -2.3984, -9.0371, 11.1772, -5.7724, -8.9214,
-3.7862, -8.9827, 5.2797]])
torch.Size([5, 10])
= 2, linewidth = 140, sci_mode = False) torch.set_printoptions(precision
import numpy as np
= 2, linewidth = 140) np.set_printoptions(precision
def matmul(a, b):
= a.shape
ar, ac = b.shape
br, bc
= torch.zeros(ar, bc)
for i in range(ar): #5
for j in range(bc): #10
for k in range(ac): #784
+= m1[i,k] * m2 [k, j]
t1[i,j] return t1
653 ms ± 10.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
* bc * ac ar
from numba import njit
def dot(a,b):
= 0.
res for i in range(len(a)): res+=a[i]*b[i]
return res
from numpy import array
CPU times: user 404 ms, sys: 79.7 ms, total: 484 ms
Wall time: 757 ms
1.24 µs ± 111 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
def matmul(a, b):
= a.shape, b.shape
= torch.zeros(ar, bc)
for i in range(ar): #5
for j in range(bc):
= dot(a[i,:], b[:, j])
t1[i,j] #for k in range(ac): #784
# t1[i,j] += m1[i,k] * m2 [k, j]
return t1
= m1.numpy(), m2.numpy() m1a, m2a
from fastcore.test import *
test_close(t1, matmul(m1a, m2a))
381 µs ± 6.52 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
= [10 ,6 ,4]
a = [2, 8, 7]
b = np.array(a)
a1 = np.array(b)
b1 + b1 a1
array([12, 14, 11])
= tensor(a)
a2 = tensor(b)
+ b2 a2
tensor([12, 14, 11])
< b2).float().mean() (a2
= tensor([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])
m m
tensor([[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]])
\[\| A \|_F = \left( \sum_{i,j=1}^n | a_{ij} |^2 \right)^{1/2}\]
= (m*m).sum()
sf sf
2, :], m[:,2] m[
(tensor([7, 8, 9]), tensor([3, 6, 9]))
2] m[
tensor([7, 8, 9])
def matmul(a, b):
= a.shape, b.shape
(ar,ac),(br,bc) = torch.zeros(ar, bc)
for i in range(ar): #5
for j in range(bc):
= (a[i,:] * b[:, j]).sum()
t1[i,j] return t1
test_close(t1, matmul(m1, m2))
1.02 ms ± 16.6 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
def matmul(a, b):
= a.shape, b.shape
(ar,ac),(br,bc) = torch.zeros(ar, bc)
for i in range(ar): #5
for j in range(bc):
=[i,:], b[:, j])
t1[i,j] return t1
test_close(t1, matmul(m1, m2))
793 µs ± 8.07 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
Broadcasting with a scalar
tensor([10, 6, 4])
> 0 a2
tensor([True, True, True])
+ 1 a2
tensor([11, 7, 5])
tensor([[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]])
tensor([10, 6, 4])
Broadcasting a vector to a matrix
= tensor([10.,20, 30]);c c
tensor([10., 20., 30.])
tensor([[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]])
m.shape, c.shape
(torch.Size([3, 3]), torch.Size([3]))
+ m c
tensor([[11., 22., 33.],
[14., 25., 36.],
[17., 28., 39.]])
= c.expand_as(m) t
tensor([[10., 20., 30.],
[10., 20., 30.],
[10., 20., 30.]])
[ of size 12]
t.stride(), t.shape
((0, 1), torch.Size([3, 3]))
0), c[None, :] c.unsqueeze(
(tensor([[10., 20., 30.]]), tensor([[10., 20., 30.]]))
None] m[:,:,
0).shape c.shape, c.unsqueeze(
(torch.Size([3]), torch.Size([1, 3]))
1), c[: ,None] c.unsqueeze(
1).shape c.shape, c.unsqueeze(
(torch.Size([3]), torch.Size([3, 1]))
None].shape, c[...,None].shape c[
(torch.Size([1, 3]), torch.Size([3, 1]))
None].expand_as(m) c[: ,
tensor([[10., 10., 10.],
[20., 20., 20.],
[30., 30., 30.]])
+ c[:, None] m
tensor([[11., 12., 13.],
[24., 25., 26.],
[37., 38., 39.]])
+ c[None, :] m
tensor([[11., 22., 33.],
[14., 25., 36.],
[17., 28., 39.]])
None, :] * c[:, None] c[
tensor([[100., 200., 300.],
[200., 400., 600.],
[300., 600., 900.]])
None, :] > c[:, None] c[
tensor([[False, True, True],
[False, False, True],
[False, False, False]])
tensor([10., 20., 30.])
* m m
tensor([[ 1, 4, 9],
[16, 25, 36],
[49, 64, 81]])
Matmul with broadcasting
= m1[0]
digit digit.shape, m2.shape
(torch.Size([784]), torch.Size([784, 10]))
None].shape digit[:,
torch.Size([784, 1])
None].expand_as(m2).shape digit[:,
torch.Size([784, 10])
None]* m2).shape (digit[:,
torch.Size([784, 10])
def matmul(a, b):
= a.shape, b.shape
(ar,ac),(br,bc) = torch.zeros(ar, bc)
for i in range(ar): #5
for j in range(bc): #10
# t1[i,j] = (a[i,:] * b[:, j]).sum()
# t1[i,j] =[i,:], b[:, j])
= (a[i, :, None] * b).sum(dim = 0)
t1[i] return t1
test_close(t1, matmul(m1, m2))
1.34 ms ± 27.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
=matmul(m1, m2)
result result
tensor([[-10.94, -0.68, -7.00, -4.01, -2.09, -3.36, 3.91, -3.44, -11.47, -2.12],
[ 14.54, 6.00, 2.89, -4.08, 6.59, -14.74, -9.28, 2.16, -15.28, -2.68],
[ 2.22, -3.22, -4.80, -6.05, 14.17, -8.98, -4.79, -5.44, -20.68, 13.57],
[ -6.71, 8.90, -7.46, -7.90, 2.70, -4.73, -11.03, -12.98, -6.44, 3.64],
[ -2.44, -6.40, -2.40, -9.04, 11.18, -5.77, -8.92, -3.79, -8.98, 5.28]])
= matmul(x_train, weights)
tr tr.shape,tr
(torch.Size([50000, 10]),
tensor([[ 0.96, -2.96, -2.11, ..., -15.09, -17.69, 0.60],
[ 6.89, -0.34, 0.79, ..., -17.13, -25.36, 16.23],
[-10.18, 7.38, 4.13, ..., -6.73, -6.79, -1.58],
[ 7.40, 7.64, -3.50, ..., -1.02, -16.22, 2.07],
[ 3.25, 9.52, -9.37, ..., 2.98, -19.58, -1.96],
[ 15.70, 4.12, -5.62, ..., 8.08, -12.21, 0.42]]))
CPU times: user 14 s, sys: 8.28 ms, total: 14 s
Wall time: 13.1 s
26.3 µs ± 6.27 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
50.7 ms ± 5.95 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 5 loops each)
The slowest run took 6.67 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
8.14 µs ± 8.83 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
13.3 ms ± 1.75 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 5 loops each)
Einstein Summation
is a compact representation for combining products and sums in a general way.
m1.shape, m2.shape
(torch.Size([5, 784]), torch.Size([784, 10]))
= torch.einsum('ik,kj->ikj',m1,m2)
mr mr.shape
torch.Size([5, 784, 10])
sum(1) mr.
tensor([[-10.94, -0.68, -7.00, -4.01, -2.09, -3.36, 3.91, -3.44, -11.47, -2.12],
[ 14.54, 6.00, 2.89, -4.08, 6.59, -14.74, -9.28, 2.16, -15.28, -2.68],
[ 2.22, -3.22, -4.80, -6.05, 14.17, -8.98, -4.79, -5.44, -20.68, 13.57],
[ -6.71, 8.90, -7.46, -7.90, 2.70, -4.73, -11.03, -12.98, -6.44, 3.64],
[ -2.44, -6.40, -2.40, -9.04, 11.18, -5.77, -8.92, -3.79, -8.98, 5.28]])
= torch.einsum('ik,kj->ij',m1,m2) mr
def matmul(a, b): return torch.einsum('ik,kj->ij',a,b)
=1e-3) test_close(tr, matmul(x_train, weights), eps
11.3 ms ± 177 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 5 loops each)
pytorch op
@weights, eps=1e-3) test_close(tr, x_train
12.5 ms ± 2.99 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 5 loops each)
!conda list | grep cudatoolkit
cudatoolkit 11.8.0 h4ba93d1_12 conda-forge
def matmul(grid, a, b, c):
= grid
i, j if i < c.shape[0] and j < c.shape[1]:
= 0.
tmp for k in range(a.shape[1]):
+= a[i, k] * b[k, j]
tmp = tmp c[i, j]
= torch.zeros(ar,bc)
res 0,0), m1, m2, res)
matmul(( res
tensor([[-10.94, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
[ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
[ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
[ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
[ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00]])
def launch_kernel(kernel, grid_x, grid_y, *args, **kwargs):
for i in range(grid_x):
for j in range(grid_y):
*args, **kwargs) kernel((i, j),
= torch.zeros(ar, bc)
launch_kernel(matmul, ar, bc, m1, m2, res) res
tensor([[-10.94, -0.68, -7.00, -4.01, -2.09, -3.36, 3.91, -3.44, -11.47, -2.12],
[ 14.54, 6.00, 2.89, -4.08, 6.59, -14.74, -9.28, 2.16, -15.28, -2.68],
[ 2.22, -3.22, -4.80, -6.05, 14.17, -8.98, -4.79, -5.44, -20.68, 13.57],
[ -6.71, 8.90, -7.46, -7.90, 2.70, -4.73, -11.03, -12.98, -6.44, 3.64],
[ -2.44, -6.40, -2.40, -9.04, 11.18, -5.77, -8.92, -3.79, -8.98, 5.28]])
from numba import cuda
def matmul(a,b,c):
= cuda.grid(2)
i, j if i < c.shape[0] and j < c.shape[1]:
= 0.
tmp for k in range(a.shape[1]):
+= a[i, k] * b[k, j]
tmp = tmp c[i, j]
= np.zeros(tr.shape)
r #m1g, m2g, rg = cuda.to_device(x_train), cuda.to_device(weights), cuda.to_device(r)
= map(cuda.to_device, (x_train, weights, r)) m1g, m2g, rg
m1g, m1g.shape
(50000, 784))
= 16
TPB = r.shape
rr, rc = (math.ceil(rr / TPB), math.ceil(rc / TPB))
blockspergrid blockspergrid
(3125, 1)
matmul[blockspergrid, (TPB, TPB)](m1g, m2g, rg)
= rg.copy_to_host()
r =1e-3) test_close(tr, r, eps
matmul[blockspergrid, (TPB, TPB)](m1g, m2g, rg)= rg.copy_to_host() r
= x_train.cuda(), weights.cuda()
m1c, m2c = m1.cuda(), m2.cuda() m1gpu, m2gpu
copys from GPU to CPU
= (m1c @ m2c).cpu() r
The slowest run took 7.32 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
126 µs ± 113 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
1.24 ms ± 28.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
r, r.shape
(tensor([[ 0.96, -2.96, -2.11, ..., -15.09, -17.69, 0.60],
[ 6.89, -0.34, 0.79, ..., -17.13, -25.36, 16.23],
[-10.18, 7.38, 4.13, ..., -6.73, -6.79, -1.58],
[ 7.40, 7.64, -3.50, ..., -1.02, -16.22, 2.07],
[ 3.25, 9.52, -9.37, ..., 2.98, -19.58, -1.96],
[ 15.70, 4.12, -5.62, ..., 8.08, -12.21, 0.42]]),
torch.Size([50000, 10]))
import gc
import torch
torch.cuda.empty_cache() gc.collect()
import ctypes
= ctypes.CDLL("") # clearing cache
libc 0) libc.malloc_trim(
for name in dir():
if not name.startswith('_'):
del globals()[name]
Clustering techniques are unsupervised learning algorithms that try to group unlabelled data into “clusters”, using the (typically spatial) structure of the data itself.
import math, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, operator, torch
from functools import partial
torch.manual_seed(= 3, linewidth = 140, sci_mode = False) torch.set_printoptions(precision
Create data
= 6
n_clusters= 250
n_samples = torch.rand(n_clusters, 2) * 70 - 35
centroids centroids
tensor([[ 26.759, 29.050],
[ -8.200, 32.151],
[ -7.669, 7.063],
[-17.040, 20.555],
[ 30.854, -25.677],
[ 30.422, 6.551]])
from torch.distributions.multivariate_normal import MultivariateNormal
from torch import tensor
def sample(m):
return MultivariateNormal(m,
5.,5.]))).sample((n_samples,)) torch.diag(tensor([
= [sample(c) for c in centroids]
slices =
data data.shape
torch.Size([1500, 2])
def plot_data(centroids, data, n_samples, ax = None):
if ax is None: _,ax = plt.subplots()
for i, centroid in enumerate(centroids):
= data[i * n_samples:(i + 1) * n_samples]
samples 0], samples[:,1], s = 1)
ax.scatter(samples[:,*centroid, markersize=10, marker = "x", color='k', mew = 5)
ax.plot(*centroid, markersize=5, marker= "x", color = 'm', mew = 2) ax.plot(
plot_data(centroids, data, n_samples)
Mean shift
= data.mean(0)
midp midp
tensor([ 9.222, 11.604])
*6, data, n_samples) plot_data([midp]
def gaussian(d, bw):
return torch.exp(-0.5*((d/bw))**2) / (bw * math.sqrt(2*math.pi))
def plot_func(f):
= torch.linspace(0, 10, 100)
x plt.plot(x, f(x))
=2.5)) plot_func(partial(gaussian, bw
= partial(gaussian, bw=2.5) f
4.)) f(tensor(
def tri(d, i): return (-d + i).clamp_min(0)/i
= 8)) plot_func(partial(tri, i
= data.clone()
X = data[0]
x x
tensor([26.204, 26.349])
None].shape x.shape, X.shape, x[
(torch.Size([2]), torch.Size([1500, 2]), torch.Size([1, 2]))
- X)[:8] (x
tensor([[ 0.000, 0.000],
[ 0.513, -3.865],
[-4.227, -2.345],
[ 0.557, -3.685],
[-5.033, -3.745],
[-4.073, -0.638],
[-3.415, -5.601],
[-1.920, -5.686]])
= torch.einsum('ik->i',((x - X) ** 2))
dist dist.sqrt()
tensor([ 0.000, 3.899, 4.834, ..., 17.628, 22.610, 21.617])
= ((x - X) ** 2).sum(1).sqrt()
dist dist
tensor([ 0.000, 3.899, 4.834, ..., 17.628, 22.610, 21.617])
= gaussian(dist, 2.5)
weight 8] weight[:
tensor([0.160, 0.047, 0.025, 0.053, 0.007, 0.041, 0.005, 0.009])
None].shape, X.shape weight.shape,weight[:,
(torch.Size([1500]), torch.Size([1500, 1]), torch.Size([1500, 2]))
None] * X weight[:,
tensor([[ 4.182, 4.205],
[ 1.215, 1.429],
[ 0.749, 0.706],
[ 0.000, 0.000],
[ 0.000, 0.000],
[ 0.000, 0.000]])
def one_update(X):
for i, x in enumerate(X):
= torch.einsum('ik->i',((x - X) ** 2))
dist = gaussian(dist, 2.5)
= (weight[:, None] * X).sum(0)/weight.sum() X[i]
def meanshift(data):
= data.clone()
X for it in range(5): one_update(X)
return X
CPU times: user 867 ms, sys: 144 µs, total: 867 ms
Wall time: 866 ms
+2, X, n_samples) plot_data(centroids
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from IPython.display import HTML
def do_one(d):
if d: one_update(X)
ax.clear()+2, X, n_samples, ax = ax) plot_data(centroids
= data.clone()
X = plt.subplots()
fig, ax = FuncAnimation(fig, do_one, frames = 5, interval=500, repeat=False)
plt.close() HTML(ani.to_jshtml())
GPU batched algorithm
= 5
bs = data.clone()
X = X[:bs]
x x.shape, X.shape
(torch.Size([5, 2]), torch.Size([1500, 2]))
def dist_b(a, b):
return (((a[None] -b[:,None])**2).sum(2)).sqrt()
tensor([[ 0.000, 3.899, 4.834, ..., 17.628, 22.610, 21.617],
[ 3.899, 0.000, 4.978, ..., 21.499, 26.508, 25.500],
[ 4.834, 4.978, 0.000, ..., 19.373, 24.757, 23.396],
[ 3.726, 0.185, 4.969, ..., 21.335, 26.336, 25.333],
[ 6.273, 5.547, 1.615, ..., 20.775, 26.201, 24.785]])
torch.Size([5, 1500])
None,:].shape, x[:,None].shape, (X[None, :] - x[:, None]).shape X[
(torch.Size([1, 1500, 2]), torch.Size([5, 1, 2]), torch.Size([5, 1500, 2]))
Signature: gaussian(d, bw) Docstring: <no docstring> Source: def gaussian(d, bw): return torch.exp(-0.5*((d/bw))**2) / (bw * math.sqrt(2*math.pi)) File: /tmp/ipykernel_1054164/ Type: function
= gaussian(dist_b(X,x),2) weight
weight.shape, X.shape
(torch.Size([5, 1500]), torch.Size([1500, 2]))
None].shape, x[None].shape weight[...,
(torch.Size([5, 1500, 1]), torch.Size([1, 5, 2]))
= (weight[...,None] * X[None]).sum(1)
num num.shape
torch.Size([5, 2])
tensor([[367.870, 386.231],
[518.332, 588.680],
[329.665, 330.782],
[527.617, 598.217],
[231.302, 234.155]])
'ij,jk ->ik', weight, X) torch.einsum(
tensor([[367.870, 386.231],
[518.332, 588.680],
[329.665, 330.782],
[527.617, 598.217],
[231.302, 234.155]])
@X weight
tensor([[367.870, 386.231],
[518.332, 588.680],
[329.665, 330.782],
[527.617, 598.217],
[231.302, 234.155]])
= weight.sum(1, keepdim = True)
div div.shape
torch.Size([5, 1])
/div num
tensor([[26.376, 27.692],
[26.101, 29.643],
[28.892, 28.990],
[26.071, 29.559],
[29.323, 29.685]])
= 5 bs
def meanshift(data, bs = 500):
= len(data)
n = data.clone()
X for it in range(5):
for i in range(0, n, bs):
= slice(i, min(i+bs, n))
s = gaussian(dist_b(X, X[s]), 2.5)
weight = weight.sum(1, keepdim = True)
div = weight@X/div
return X
= data.cuda() data
= meanshift(data,bs).cpu() X
17.7 ms ± 1.79 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 5 loops each)
3.91 ms ± 11.2 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 5 loops each)
3.68 ms ± 8.66 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 5 loops each)
+2, X, n_samples) plot_data(centroids