import pandas as pd
= pd.read_csv("Data/carprices.csv")
df df.head()
Mileage | Age(yrs) | Sell Price($) | |
0 | 69000 | 6 | 18000 |
1 | 35000 | 3 | 34000 |
2 | 57000 | 5 | 26100 |
3 | 22500 | 2 | 40000 |
4 | 46000 | 4 | 31500 |
Benedict Thekkel
We have a dataset containing prices of used BMW cars. We are going to analyze this dataset and build a prediction function that can predict a price by taking mileage and age of the car as input. We will use sklearn train_test_split method to split training and testing dataset
Mileage | Age(yrs) | Sell Price($) | |
0 | 69000 | 6 | 18000 |
1 | 35000 | 3 | 34000 |
2 | 57000 | 5 | 26100 |
3 | 22500 | 2 | 40000 |
4 | 46000 | 4 | 31500 |
Car Mileage Vs Sell Price ($)
Car Age Vs Sell Price ($)
Looking at above two scatter plots, using linear regression model makes sense as we can clearly see a linear relationship between our dependant (i.e. Sell Price) and independant variables (i.e. car age and car mileage)
The approach we are going to use here is to split available data in two sets
<li>Training: We will train our model on this dataset</li>
<li>Testing: We will use this subset to make actual predictions using trained model</li>
The reason we don’t use same training set for testing is because our model has seen those samples before, using same samples for making predictions might give us wrong impression about accuracy of our model. It is like you ask same questions in exam paper as you tought the students in the class.
Mileage | Age(yrs) | |
4 | 46000 | 4 |
13 | 58780 | 4 |
5 | 59000 | 5 |
7 | 72000 | 6 |
12 | 59000 | 5 |
11 | 79000 | 7 |
3 | 22500 | 2 |
9 | 67000 | 6 |
0 | 69000 | 6 |
8 | 91000 | 8 |
14 | 82450 | 7 |
2 | 57000 | 5 |
6 | 52000 | 5 |
15 | 25400 | 3 |
4 31500
13 27500
5 26750
7 19300
12 26000
11 19500
3 40000
9 22000
0 18000
8 12000
14 19400
2 26100
6 32000
15 35000
Name: Sell Price($), dtype: int64
Lets run linear regression model now
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
clf = LinearRegression(), y_train)
LinearRegression()In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
array([34944.44210911, 16905.69832696, 23351.64782019, 38167.41685573,
14300.34495583, 27726.46589653])
0 | |
0 | 34944.442109 |
1 | 16905.698327 |
2 | 23351.647820 |
3 | 38167.416856 |
4 | 14300.344956 |
5 | 27726.465897 |
y_res = y_results[0].sort_values(ascending=True).reset_index()
y_res.drop('index', axis = 1, inplace=True)
0 | |
0 | 14300.344956 |
1 | 16905.698327 |
2 | 23351.647820 |
3 | 27726.465897 |
4 | 34944.442109 |
5 | 38167.416856 |
index | Sell Price($) | |
0 | 18 | 12800 |
1 | 10 | 18700 |
2 | 17 | 19700 |
3 | 19 | 28200 |
4 | 1 | 34000 |
5 | 16 | 35500 |
Sell Price($) | |
0 | 12800 |
1 | 18700 |
2 | 19700 |
3 | 28200 |
4 | 34000 |
5 | 35500 |
random_state argument
Mileage | Age(yrs) | |
7 | 72000 | 6 |
10 | 83000 | 7 |
5 | 59000 | 5 |
6 | 52000 | 5 |
3 | 22500 | 2 |
18 | 87600 | 8 |