We can see some improvement in test score with bagging classifier as compared to a standalone classifier
Train using Random Forest
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifierscores = cross_val_score(RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100), X, y, cv=5)scores.mean()
Gradient Boosting – It is a boosting technique that builds a final model from the sum of several weak learning algorithms that were trained on the same dataset. It operates on the idea of stagewise addition. The first weak learner in the gradient boosting algorithm will not be trained on the dataset; instead, it will simply return the mean of the relevant column. The residual for the first weak learner algorithm’s output will then be calculated and used as the output column or target column for the next weak learning algorithm that will be trained. The second weak learner will be trained using the same methodology, and the residuals will be computed and utilized as an output column once more for the third weak learner, and so on until we achieve zero residuals. The dataset for gradient boosting must be in the form of numerical or categorical data, and the loss function used to generate the residuals must be differential at all times.
XGBoost – In addition to the gradient boosting technique, XGBoost is another boosting machine learning approach. The full name of the XGBoost algorithm is the eXtreme Gradient Boosting algorithm, which is an extreme variation of the previous gradient boosting technique. The key distinction between XGBoost and GradientBoosting is that XGBoost applies a regularisation approach. It is a regularised version of the current gradient-boosting technique. Because of this, XGBoost outperforms a standard gradient boosting method, which explains why it is also faster than that. Additionally, it works better when the dataset contains both numerical and categorical variables.
Adaboost – AdaBoost is a boosting algorithm that also works on the principle of the stagewise addition method where multiple weak learners are used for getting strong learners. The value of the alpha parameter, in this case, will be indirectly proportional to the error of the weak learner, Unlike Gradient Boosting in XGBoost, the alpha parameter calculated is related to the errors of the weak learner, here the value of the alpha parameter will be indirectly proportional to the error of the weak learner.
CatBoost – The growth of decision trees inside CatBoost is the primary distinction that sets it apart from and improves upon competitors. The decision trees that are created in CatBoost are symmetric. As there is a unique sort of approach for handling categorical datasets, CatBoost works very well on categorical datasets compared to any other algorithm in the field of machine learning. The categorical features in CatBoost are encoded based on the output columns. As a result, the output column’s weight will be taken into account while training or encoding the categorical features, increasing its accuracy on categorical datasets.
# for classificationfrom sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifiermodel = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=100)model.fit(X_train, y_train)
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